Showing posts with label The voice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The voice. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2025

One Nation Under God

 Built into our constitution, our founding fathers built a foundation of freedom. From the beginning, Christianity was not the law of the land.  Christianity was the principle behind the law of the land. One undeniable fact: At its core, the United States of America is a Christian nation.  A noble and significant quality embedded in the Christian faith is freedom for the religions to compete in the public arena of ideas. Americans have the freedom to change their nation from a Christian nation to any other type of their choosing. The majority will decide. While giving us this freedom, there were warnings given by our founding fathers.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

A Great Devotional!

 This is a devotional from the Proverbs 31 website, written by Meghan Mellinger, it was so good I had to post it here!

“I am tired of being tired.”

The words spilled out of my mouth like the tears from my eyes. Here I was, yet again, in what had become my default state: weary and worn.

Something had to change.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Goodness and Mercy

This is a repeat of a post from 2013.  I thought it needed repeating! 

I was praying for a good friend of mine this morning.  She has lived with agonizing pain for nearly 10 years.  A nerve is being fused within a bad vertebrae in her neck.  On a scale of 1 to 10 her pain is an unbearable 10.  But the medications bring it down to 9.

She's been waiting months for nerve block surgery.  They gave her a trial surgery to make sure the electrical box they insert into her body will work.  It gave her a full week of NO PAIN whatsoever, the first time in 10 years.  She's in the military and unfortunately, she's in an area of the country where there are many delays before the doctors will do something.  If she were in the private industry this would have been taken care of years ago... but I digress. 

As I was praying the Lord brought this verse to mind...

Sometimes the 'goodness and mercy' God sends come in the form of 2 sheep dogs, nipping at our heals to get us going in the right direction.

So I prayed, asking God to send 'goodness and mercy' nipping at the heals of those making the decisions for her surgery.  And Lord, if you could sharpen their teeth before they get there?  To make 'em move a little faster?  Father, please send her the relief she needs?  You promised that if we ask anything that is within your will you would grant our request.  I ask you to let Thea get a phone call today, with the scheduled procedure she needs.  Father, you are closer to those broken in spirit and I ask you to be closer still to her today.  Thank you Father for answering my prayer and it is for your honor and glory I ask.  AMEN!

And what did she hear this afternoon?

.... Her surgery is scheduled for August 23rd.  HOW AWESOME IS OUR GOD???

Who do you need to sic the dogs on today?

Saturday, April 9, 2022

No doubt about it

I studied at Faith Baptist Bible College in the 80's. During my first year, a brilliant man named David Powell was one of my instructors. His class on Old Testament Theory was, by far, my favorite class. He taught in a way that made you think outside the box, to dig deep for the answer. I loved his class. After each test, I found myself striving to get a better grade than the one before.

In 1985, I was 25 years old. 7 years earlier I almost flunked out of high school. I received a 1.42 out of a possible 4.0 grade average. While enrolled at FBBC, I worked 50 hours a week, drove an hour each day to classes, and studied when I could. I worked full-time as the owner of a small business with 5 employees. I also worked part-time as the manager of a 64 unit residential facility. I could only attend FBBC part-time, it was all I could afford at the time.

In David Powell's freshman class, as we studied each book in the Old Testament, one of his assignments was to create a graph of the book. We were to break the book down into events and chart each one as it progressed to the next event. In the evenings, I dove into each graph with gusto. I learned things about the Old Testament I'd never thought of before. I started out the class getting a B, or 80%, but by the end of the semester I received 100%+ on my graphs and tests.

In the middle of the semester, mummering started on campus. At first, I tried to ignore the whispers that reached my ears, as I studied in the campus lounge above the cafeteria. But the whispers became bolder as time went on. Freshman who were in the class with me began to grumble about how hard the class was, Powell was a bad teacher, he did this and he did that...mur-mur-mur-mur. And I began to wonder why am I doing so well if he is such a bad teacher?

Once, I nearly stood up in class to ask them what was going on. Mr. Powell was late to class that morning and the little rebel inside me wanted to ask why someone who nearly flunked out of high school 7 years earlier and worked 50 hours a week was getting A's and they weren't? I chose to remain silent. Instead, I chose to make my sentiments known in Dr. Houghton's presence. 3 decades later I still regret my decision.

As each decade has passed, I've often thought of my time at FBBC. I love my school and pray for the students and teachers to this day. Dr. Walton and Dr. Shipp changed my life through their kind and loving example. They loved us, truly loved each student. It was an honor and privilege to attend FBBC and I look back at my time there with fondness. Today, I look forward to reading the alumni newsletter and always look for people I knew in the pages.

But I'll never forget how gossip took away a brilliant teacher. A few students wanted mediocrity. They wanted an easy road and they received it. He was let go at the end of the semester. He was replaced by someone, I don't remember who they hired. Through the power of gossip, a truly great teacher was sent away.

Gossip destroys. It should be hated by more than just One Person.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Sunday, December 30, 2018

A goal for 2019

"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed." ~ Unknown

Cut open an apple. Count the seeds. Now cut open one of the seeds. How many future apples do you think it contains? The only way to know is to plant it, care for it, and patiently wait for them to arrive. Jesus rocked the religious people of His day with the words, "For the entire Law is fulfilled in keeping this one command, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Jesus counterbalanced the whole Mosaic Law, containing over 600 ordinances of do's and don'ts, with one simple command to love.

Can you imagine the incredible, limitless potential in this one command? If everyone treated all people the way they would like to be treated, imagine how many laws would be irrelevant in our country.

If, instead of dropping to the lowest common denominator of our neighbors, we each personally raise the bar to where Jesus set it, at "love", imagine how many trees of life would be planted, watered by streams of living water, providing shade and fruit for the whole world to enjoy.  ~ Kirk Cameron

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

If I disappear...

Dear reader, Many of you will think my topic today is completely nuts.  But read through to the end, it will make sense eventually.

I began studying Daniel and Revelations in college back in the mid-80s. I'm not a preacher or a prophet by any means and I don't make prophecies. But after watching events unfold over the last 6 years, there is clear evidence that God knew what He was talking about when He wrote warnings over 1000 years ago.  Let me share some evidence?

What is the Hebrew word for violence? .... It is "Kha-mase". The K and the e are silent... say the word again without these two letters.

Written a millenium ago, here it is, in Genesis 6 "11 Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence (Kha-mase). 12 God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. 13 Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence (Kha-mase) because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth." Reader, the Lord used the word Hamas.  It is no coincidence that the group attacking God's people in Israel are called Hamas.  But did you know Hamas is here in America?  Keep reading...

We've all heard the story of Noah and the arc... but did you know the bible describes the return of Jesus to be as in the days of Noah? (Luke 17:26)  Hebrews 11:7 says "By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family."   Dear reader, know that the warnings of His return were given to us centuries ago.  Please listen and continue reading, with faith?  God will never deceive you, He longs to give you hope and a future!

Jesus is coming back! There are warnings in the bible.  God gave us signs to watch.  Just like in the days of Noah. Please, please ask Him to be your Savior while there's still time. After I disappear, along with millions more, you will still be able to ask Him. But you will still be here to live through the destruction that comes. Hamas is everywhere in America.  People from Hamas were photographed in Ferguson, Missouri just this week.  Did you know seven muslims control the White House? And more muslims poured into America after one of them threw the borders wide open.

For someone just starting to read the bible, I know, it is difficult to understand.  Jump in somewhere and start reading, it doesn't matter where.  Eventually, you'll come to a paragraph that sounds familiar, like you've read that somewhere else.  So you go back to where you saw it before and compare that paragraph with the paragraph you just read.  This is how God talks to you.  Eventually it makes sense, like an idea dawning on you, only when it starts making sense know that is the Lord talking to you.  "Those who seek me find me." Proverbs 8:17  "If you need wisdom, ask our God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." James 1:5

Accepting Jesus as your Savior is FREE! And He is a gentleman! He will never force himself on you, he waits. He longs to shower you with blessings, but he waits for your invitation. Please don't put off this decision?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Have no doubt

I studied at Faith Baptist Bible College in the 80's. During my first year, a brilliant man named David Powell was one of my instructors. His class on Old Testament Theory was, by far, my favorite class. He taught in a way that made you think outside the box, to dig deep for the answer. I loved his class. After each test, I found myself striving to get a better grade than the one before.

In 1985, I was 25 years old. 7 years earlier, I almost flunked out of high school. I received a 1.42 out of a possible 4.0 grade average. While enrolled at FBBC, I worked 50 hours a week, drove an hour each day to classes, and studied when I could. I worked full-time as the owner of a small business with 5 employees. I also worked part-time as the manager of a 64 unit residential facility. I could only attend FBBC part-time, it was all I could afford at the time.

In David Powell's freshman class, as we studied each book in the Old Testament, one of his assignments was to create a graph of the book. We were to break the book down into events and chart each one as it progressed to the next event. In the evenings, I dove into each graph with gusto. I learned things about the Old Testament I'd never thought of before. I started out the class getting a B, or 80%, but by the end of the semester I received 100%+ on my graphs and tests.

In the middle of the semester, mummering started on campus. At first, I tried to ignore the whispers that reached my ears, as I studied in the campus lounge above the cafeteria. But the whispers became bolder as time went on. Freshman who were in the class with me began to grumble about how hard the class was, Powell was a bad teacher, he did this and he did that...mur-mur-mur-mur. And I began to wonder why am I doing so well if he is such a bad teacher?

Once, I nearly stood up in class to ask them what was going on. Mr. Powell was late to class that morning and the little rebel inside me wanted to ask why someone who nearly flunked out of high school 7 years earlier and worked 50 hours a week was getting A's and they weren't? I chose to remain silent. Instead, I chose to make my sentiments known in Dr. Houghton's presence. 3 decades later I still regret my decision.

As each decade has passed, I've often thought of my time at FBBC. I love my school and pray for the students and teachers to this day. Dr. Walton and Dr. Shipp changed my life through their kind and loving example. They loved us, truly loved each student. It was an honor and privilege to attend FBBC and I look back at my time there with fondness. Today, I look forward to reading the alumni newsletter and always look for people I knew in the pages.

But I'll never forget how gossip took away a brilliant teacher. A few students wanted mediocrity. They wanted an easy road and they received it. He was let go at the end of the semester. He was replaced by someone, I don't remember who they hired. Through the power of gossip, a truly great teacher was sent away.

Gossip destroys. It should be hated by more than just One Person.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Goodness and Mercy

I was praying for a good friend of mine this morning.  She has lived with agonizing pain for nearly 10 years.  A nerve is being fused within a bad vertebrae in her neck.  On a scale of 1 to 10 her pain is an unbearable 10.  But the medications bring it down to 9.

She's been waiting months for nerve block surgery.  They gave her a trial surgery to make sure the electrical box they insert into her body will work.  It gave her a full week of NO PAIN whatsoever, the first time in 10 years.  She's in the military and unfortunately, she's in an area of the country where there are many delays before the doctors will do something.  If she were in the private industry this would have been taken care of years ago... but I digress. 

As I was praying the Lord brought this verse to mind...

Sometimes the 'goodness and mercy' God sends come in the form of 2 sheep dogs, nipping at our heals to get us going in the right direction.

So I prayed, asking God to send 'goodness and mercy' nipping at the heals of those making the decisions for her surgery.  And Lord, if you could sharpen their teeth before they get there?  To make 'em move a little faster?  Father, please send her the relief she needs?  You promised that if we ask anything that is within your will you would grant our request.  I ask you to let Thea get a phone call today, with the scheduled procedure she needs.  Father, you are closer to those broken in spirit and I ask you to be closer still to her today.  Thank you Father for answering my prayer and it is for your honor and glory I ask.  AMEN!

And what did she hear this afternoon?

.... Her surgery is scheduled for August 23rd.  HOW AWESOME IS OUR GOD???

Who do you need to sic the dogs on today?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Trooper home from the hospital

It was not a surprise when residents rushed to the aid of this trooper in the hours and days after he was shot last week.  I’m grateful he’s at home healing and anxious to get back behind the wheel.  The men and women who work to protect us on the road are under-appreciated and under-paid.  It was more than heartwarming to watch one of our finest troopers experience firsthand the spirit of North Carolina surround one of our own and help get him back on his feet.

I hope this speaks to all law enforcement officers.  Imagine the long hours our police officers spend in a car, helping to change a tire in the rain, bringing hope to someone who ran out of gas, besides the thankless job of handing out tickets, reminding the rushed to slow down and be safe.

 Along with keeping them in our prayers, we can lighten their load by helping ourselves.  Drive the speed limit.  At home, keep your doors locked and the bushes trimmed away from your windows.  Our family added a watch dog to the list of things we do to stay safe.  On Christmas Day we found a stray dog, and after searching for an owner, and finding none, we decided to keep her.  Macy is a great watch dog.  She's a wonderful addition to our family in more ways than one!  My daughter took her for a walk on Sunday morning, and forgot to lock the door when she came back inside.  A few hours later, I noticed it, locked it and went on making lunch.  Not 5 minutes later I heard the door handle rattle, Macy heard it too and ran barking and growling to the front door.  I thought I had locked someone out of the house, but by the time I reached the door they were gone.  When I noticed both kids were in their rooms, and it wasn't dad, I called 911.  I made a police report.  I'm convinced Macy's barking and growling sent whoever it was on to someone else's house.

The Lord takes care of us in ways we don't realize!  I have a sister one year younger, who bought a house in the country, and lives alone.  She went out to the mailbox the other night and a 'voice' told her to look over at the side of the house.  She looked and saw someone crouched at the corner of the house.   He was fairly easy to see because there was a full moon and snow blanketed the ground.  She assumed he saw her come outside the house, and indeed, the man was looking in her direction, but she could tell he couldn't see her.  So she walked down the road in front of the house until she was right across from him.  She stood there staring at him.  She watched as he was doing something on the side of the house, when he finally saw her and froze in his tracks.

Now I need to explain, when we were growing up, my sister created a sound with her voice when she was 13 and our younger brother was 9 years old.  She can drop her voice to a deep base that is almost like it's electrified with vibrato, and it's extremely loud.  When you hear it, the hair stands up on your neck.  When she used it on my poor brother he ran to get mom, screaming that demons were hiding in the bushes.

As she stood there staring back at this man crouched by the side of her house, she decided to use this voice as she told him "What are you doing there?  Get away from that house and don't come back".  The man couldn't get out of her yard fast enough!   The next morning she went outside to check the house and found footprints in the snow.  The man had been pulling the cables off the side of her house, probably for the copper.  She started reattaching the cables using a ladder, and as she went higher on the ladder she looked back at the footprints leading away from the house.

It’s reassuring, knowing our law enforcement officers are always there, ready and more than willing to provide back up when our own defense systems aren’t enough. Thank you to every officer who may be sitting in a car right now, anxious for the clock to move a little faster so you can get home.  We appreciate you!  And we’ve got your back if you ever need us.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

When Doubt Tries To Bully Us

This was on the website today at Proverbs  It was so good I had to show you!  It is written by Renee Swope and is from chapter 6 of her book "A Confident Heart".

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 (NIV)

One morning I woke up feeling beat up by discouragement. My mind was being bullied by thoughts of doubt: I can't do it all! I am not cut out to be a wife, a mom, a daughter, a speaker, a writer and all the other things God has called me to.My thoughts were against me, and my feelings were too.

As I lay in bed feeling completely inadequate, my radio alarm came on. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Twila Paris singing to me. With confident assurance, she spoke truth to my soul, telling me this was no time for fear, but a time for faith and determination. She challenged me not to lose my vision or be carried away by my emotions, but to hold on to all that I had hidden in my heart, and all I believed to be true. Then she reminded me of the most important truth of all: God is in control. [1]

As I heard these words, my thoughts aligned with God's truth. It changed my whole perspective. I went from feeling afraid to feeling determined and from feeling out of control to knowing God is in control.

We have the choice either to let doubt beat us up or to let God's truth build us up.
If we have Christ in us, we have full access to God's power and His promises to live with a confident heart. But it won't just happen because it's possible. We have to take action.
When my alarm came on that morning, I was so glad I'd set my radio to that station the night before, so I would wake up hearing encouraging music and truth. Just like I tuned into that station, we need to get intentional about tuning our thoughts into God's thoughts toward us, every day.

In the same way a radio has AM and FM frequencies, so do our thoughts. They are either AM (against me) or FM (for me) thoughts. The truth is, we are often our worst critics and have a lot of AM thoughts.
Find this book here

And if our thoughts are against us, our feelings will be too.
So, the next time you get those feelings of uncertainty and self-doubt, stop and ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you are thinking that is making you feel that way. Then compare your thoughts about that situation to God's thoughts, which are reflected in Scripture. Do they match? If not, find a promise in God's Word to replace the lie that has filled your heart with doubt. Here are few to get your started:

• When doubt comes against me, saying I'm weak and all alone, I will focus on the truth that God is for me! I can be strong and courageous because the Lord my God is with me. He will never leave me nor forsake me. (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV)

• When doubt comes against me, saying I'm not good enough for a certain role or position, I will remember that God is for me! He says I am His masterpiece, created to be new in Christ so that I could do good things He planned long ago. (Ephesians 2:10, NIV)

Power Verses:
1 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." (NIV)

Deuteronomy 20:4, "For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." (NIV)

Romans 8:37, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." (NIV)

[1] "God Is In Control," © 1993 by Twila Paris. All Rights Reserved. From He Is Exalted: Live Worship CD.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Comin' and Goin'!

This is one of the tabletoppers I made this week, they went together fast!  It's a pattern I came up with after getting ideas from quilting magazines.  I call this pattern "Comin' and Goin'".  The pinwheels look like they can go any direction!

Here's why I chose this design... My sister's house caught fire January 12th.  Enjoying a day off from work, she was sitting on the floor of her 2nd bedroom, filing tax paperwork piled on her lap and around the floor. Then “someone” told her to go get something to drink. She thought she was going crazy for a minute, and didn’t want to move because she had just sorted things. So she decided to say back ‘I’m not thirsty, I don’t need anything to drink.” And the voice said, “Yes, you do.”

So she moved everything she had just sorted, went to the kitchen and saw puffs of smoke blowing past the kitchen window.  She ran to wake up her son, grabbed her cat, and the tax papers.  As she was headed outside, on the phone to 911, a man in a red truck pulled into the driveway. He yelled out the window “are you on the phone to 911?” She yelled back “yes!”. He nodded, pulled back out of the driveway and left. She still doesn’t know who it was.

I said "Isn’t it cool God sent back-up just in case you decided you weren't going to get up?  He's got you comin' and goin'!"   And that's what I decided to name this design.  I made 2, one will go to her friend who is taking care of Sushi (the cat).