Wednesday, October 17, 2018

American Quilt

I watched "How to make an American Quilt" last night for the umpteenth time.  This movie has subtle life messages in it, and some not so subtle.  Each time I watch it something new stands out.  For instance, last night there was a scene where Constance says the hardest thing about being friends with women is that they're women.  She lost her husband to cancer a year before, and although she joined the other women in their quilting task, it seemed she was singled out as the one they picked on. I thought she handled their treatment of her graciously and with forbearance.

As the movie progresses, we're shown the various struggles each woman has had in her life.  The only woman whose life was picture perfect was the woman they picked on.  Constance had a wonderful relationship with her husband, she missed him terribly.  A husband of one of the other women targeted her vulnerability, and was rebuffed.  Her character, out of all the women, was notably the most sterling.

If someone picks on me, (it happens to all us) I try to keep this in mind, you don't know what they've gone through in life.  The mere fact that they're picking at you, is proof they have some struggle going on.  Sometimes I fail, and lash back, but most times I absorb it... and let it roll off my back at a later time.

Anyway, these are just thoughts running through my head this morning.  How is your morning going?

Sunday, October 14, 2018

UFOs are on a roll at my house

I bought a panel by Northcott fabrics the minute it hit the quilt shops 4 years ago.   This is a pattern called Meadow Stars, by Patti Carey. It uses a collection called Stonehenge by Northcott. I bought the blue/brown panel when it hit the shops, couldn't get out of the store without it!

But Northcott didn't put a kit together for the blue/brown colorway, so I had to put one together on my own. I found all the stonehenge fabrics to make this quilt.

Update:  The quilt is finished and has been delivered.  Here's the final product!