Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ode to Sewing Machines #14

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all seen the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two!

Just when you think you've seen it all:


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sums it up for me, how about you?

This letter was sent by a 79 year old veteran in Washington state to his senators. I don’t know this gentleman, but he does exist and he did write this letter.  The words ring true with the sound wisdom of "We the People".

Here’s the letter:

April 3, 2013
Senator Patty Murray
Senator Maria Cantwell
Washington, DC, 20510

Dear Senator:

I have tried to live by the rules my entire life. My father was a Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army, who died of combat related stresses shortly after his retirement. It was he who instilled in me those virtues he felt important - honesty, duty, patriotism and obeying the laws of God and of our various governments. I have served my country, paid my taxes, worked hard, volunteered and donated my fair share of money, time and artifacts.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ode to the sewing machine #13

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all seen the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two!

"A unique piece to add interest to your room's decor".

If this fits into your decor don't you have something to do besides sit there reading my blog?

Finally!  A sowing machine!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ode to the sewing machine #12

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all seen the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two!

He hasn't made up his mind on the price.  He could start by removing a zero or two. 

I don't see any wires hanging so maybe it wasn't converted? My xray vision goggles are back at the office, darn, I'll have to pass on this one.

This one is just Ewwwwwww~!

No wonder he didn't turn 
the lights on for this shot!

And the last one for today...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ode to the sewing machine #11

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all seen the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two!

Run right over there with $500!

This can be stored in your garage until planting time in the Spring.  Everyone needs one with 4 doors, I only have a 2 door myself.

A dim bulb holding the camera.  Could you at least open the curtains?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Rewriting the constitution

"Socialized medicine is the keystone for the establishment of the socialist state"
 - Vladimir Lenin

Friday, October 11, 2013

Ode to the sewing machine #10

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all seen the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two!

The light bulb goes on the Christmas tree, Jack.

The price is right on this one, but he says he doesn't have a pedal to test the motor.  You could test it on a bicycle pedal and get the same results. Fail.

I think they may have used a whole roll of electrical tape on the cord, but hey, the guy he bought it from guaranteed it to work...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's Wednesday!

Their hump day is a little different

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ode to the sewing machine #9

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all see the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two!  Where do they come up with these dollar amounts???

                                                                      .... ya think?

I nearly choked on my coffee when the next one came across my screen:

Where do I start with this one???
First off, it's appraised at $180,000 and you can't get a picture of the thing?  And you don't know the brand???  Is the table black and gold, or do you mean the machine is black and gold?  Next, what is a "packard table top"?

 Plowing on...  You can't spend $35 to get the tension adjusted on a $180,000.00 machine?  And then you say it "still works great" with bad tension...

I think she spent too much time playing behind the mosquito trucks as a child.

Friday, September 20, 2013

More blocks finished!

On to finishing the embroidered blocks!  What are you working on this weekend?

My husband is taking our 12 yr old on a boy scout camping trip this weekend, which means I get to sew, sew, sew for 2 days straight.  For those who've come to my blog for the first time, I home school our son, and have a daughter in college.  Life is hectic, both our children have disabilities and sewing takes a back seat sometimes.  The quilt I've been working on lately is for my mom.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Today is a day to be thankful.  Yesterday was a day to remember.  Today, God is still on the throne. Jesus is still King of kings and His tomb is still empty. And there's still room at the cross.

All the pieced blocks are finished, just need to start the embroidered blocks and I can begin piecing the top of my mom's quilt.  This has been an easy quilt, so far, and very relaxing, too!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering today

12 years... a terrible, terrible day.
Home school was somber today.  My son and I watched the emotional video on Fox News, coverage of events I watched 12 years ago, as I rocked my 6 month old son.  He had many questions, "Mom, what was the Pentagon?  A pentagon is a shape in my math class."  "Mom, what was the World Trade Center?"  "Mom, If a building were falling on me I would crawl under a car to protect myself", and I responded, "there were firetrucks, ambulances, cars and trucks people did get under, and they were crushed flat."   But when the people jumping from windows came on the screen, he was too stunned to speak.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Ode to the sewing machine #8

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all see the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two!  Where do they come up with these dollar amounts???

For $1000, you get a case that's falling apart and and duct tape on the electric cord where they spliced on a new plug.  There may be a dim bulb on more than the machine with this one.

Bad spellers of the world, UNTIE!   They got it wrong, not once, but twice!  And there's the love affair with the zero again.

Remember, all old black sewing machines have to be a Singer.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Goodness and Mercy

I was praying for a good friend of mine this morning.  She has lived with agonizing pain for nearly 10 years.  A nerve is being fused within a bad vertebrae in her neck.  On a scale of 1 to 10 her pain is an unbearable 10.  But the medications bring it down to 9.

She's been waiting months for nerve block surgery.  They gave her a trial surgery to make sure the electrical box they insert into her body will work.  It gave her a full week of NO PAIN whatsoever, the first time in 10 years.  She's in the military and unfortunately, she's in an area of the country where there are many delays before the doctors will do something.  If she were in the private industry this would have been taken care of years ago... but I digress. 

As I was praying the Lord brought this verse to mind...

Sometimes the 'goodness and mercy' God sends come in the form of 2 sheep dogs, nipping at our heals to get us going in the right direction.

So I prayed, asking God to send 'goodness and mercy' nipping at the heals of those making the decisions for her surgery.  And Lord, if you could sharpen their teeth before they get there?  To make 'em move a little faster?  Father, please send her the relief she needs?  You promised that if we ask anything that is within your will you would grant our request.  I ask you to let Thea get a phone call today, with the scheduled procedure she needs.  Father, you are closer to those broken in spirit and I ask you to be closer still to her today.  Thank you Father for answering my prayer and it is for your honor and glory I ask.  AMEN!

And what did she hear this afternoon?

.... Her surgery is scheduled for August 23rd.  HOW AWESOME IS OUR GOD???

Who do you need to sic the dogs on today?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ode to the sewing machine #7

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all see the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two! 

...Everyone needs one of these for spring planting season.  And remember, any old sewing machine has to be a Singer, right?

... how many times do we see this???  Maybe they sell their TV the same way? I know I always look at the back of a TV when I'm using mine, don't you???

 Here's another one.... the thick coating of dust is probably the reason they didn't know it was the back of the machine.

... and your final installment for today: to recap... found it, paid nothing for it, don't know anything about it, picked a price outta the air, don't ask about it and you don't get a photo.  
Got it?  Oh, and you better be serious.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Quilt in progress

I've finished 8 of the blocks for the 2007 Patchwork Party quilt.  I bought the set of unfinished BOMs from someone on the web.  She bought it and never got around to working on it.  I have 4 more blocks to go, with the 9th to be finished in a couple hours!

I started using Mary Ellen's Best Press on my fabric and I can really tell a difference in the quality of my seams.  It's easier to sew a scant 1/4" seam when the fabric has been starched.  I bought cherry blossom as well as the lavender scent.

No words to describe this

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ode to the sewing machine #6

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all see the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two!  Where do they come up with these dollar amounts???

No one in their right minds would continue reading, but who says quilters are in their right minds, so here's installment #6 and 7...

... here we have a bait and switcheroo:
                                    "give me a call" ....just read her mind for the phone number!  

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again and again and again....
...... seller has 0 feedback.... hmmm, imagine that!                      

Monday, July 22, 2013

Ode to the sewing machine #5

Many of you follow my "Ode to the Sewing Machine" posts.  We've all see the ads on craigslist, ebay and elsewhere.  The clueless sellers give those of us who sew a belly laugh, or two!  Where do they come up with these dollar amounts???

No one in their right minds would continue reading, but who says quilters are in their right minds, so here's the latest installment...

I think I'll deviate a bit from the ol' sewing machine with the first one:  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's not easy being green...

My son and I are doing yardwork today.  Today's task is cutting up all the tree limbs I trimmed from a few trees so the city can haul them away Tuesday.  We found this on one of the branches I cut down.

When it morphs, it will become:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

New things

I thought I'd update the photos of my rain garden.  The last photo I shared with you was taken 2 years ago.  Here's the photo I took today:

New plantings include Loropetalum, Verbena, butterfly bushes-both petite and normal sizes, irises, lilies, gladiolas, red hot poker, 'Secret's out' & 'Gold Medal' roses, yellow Knock-out roses, azaleas, several hostas, ajuga and acuba.

Steamy hot weather will be here next week.  I love NC!

Here are some closeup photos of the Japanese iris in my rain garden: