Thursday, April 18, 2024

A Great Devotional!

 This is a devotional from the Proverbs 31 website, written by Meghan Mellinger, it was so good I had to post it here!

“I am tired of being tired.”

The words spilled out of my mouth like the tears from my eyes. Here I was, yet again, in what had become my default state: weary and worn.

Something had to change.

While I couldn’t change my circumstances, I could control what I was thinking about my circumstances. So I decided to do some digging into the depths of my mind: What was I actually telling myself?

I’m a pretty positive, upbeat person, but my investigation felt like a walk through a haunted house — uncovering a new terrifying thought around every corner.

On days I woke up with a no-end-in-sight workload awaiting me, I’d tell myself: You’ve never handled stress well, so it looks like today is going to be awful! Congrats! Then I’d hit the snooze button.

When I struggled to make progress toward a goal, I’d tell myself: What’s the point? You’re not going to achieve this — you don’t have what it takes.

When I wondered where and how I might meet my future husband, I’d tell myself: At this point, it’s looking pretty impossible. Can you be a "cat lady" if you're allergic?


No wonder I wasn’t doing well. The things I was telling myself weren’t offering hope or help.

I have a feeling I’m not alone. 

What are you telling yourself?

Break out your journal, laptop or phone, and do your own investigation. Notice some themes in what you tell yourself on a daily basis, and write them down, bringing your thoughts to light.

Why are you telling yourself that?

Where do your thoughts come from? A past hurt? A friend? A fear? Your experiences and relationships can influence your thoughts, but they don’t have to have the final say.

What can you tell yourself instead?

Romans 12:2 says God makes us new by transforming our minds:

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

We can change the way we think by allowing the Holy Spirit to rewire our old thoughts with empowering, helpful and truth-filled thoughts instead. Here are a few God-centered thoughts you can borrow today:

  • I have an all-powerful God who wants to help me and whose Spirit is always available to me, anytime, anywhere.
  • I have an identity in God that isn’t dependent on my performance, achievements, job or relationship status.
  • I have a relational God who loves me unconditionally and still chooses me even with my imperfections.

Jesus, what I tell myself impacts my well-being and the overall direction of my life. Transform my mind so the thoughts I have reflect who I truly am, whose I am, and whose power I have within me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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